SUBJECT: City Council Meeting Virtual Meeting Attendance Instructions
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, public attendance at the February 8, 2021 Regular Meeting will be limited in order to maintain the safety of Bessemer City Residents, staff, and the Elected Officials. Please note, that those who attend the meeting must wear a mask and will be subject to a temperature check before entry is permitted. The meeting will be BROADCAST LIVE on Facebook and the instructions on how to join are listed below. Please contact the City Clerk at (704) 629-5542 for more details.
View Facebook Live Broadcast on City’s page located at
When: February 8, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) |
Citizens will be provided an opportunity for public comment. You must submit your public comment in the following ways by 12:00 pm on 02/08/2021 in order to speak:
- BY MAIL: Attention City Clerk, 132 West Virginia Avenue Bessemer City, NC 28016.
- Individual comments are limited to three minutes per person (approximately 500 words for written comment) and one submission per
- Citizens providing comment must provide their full name, address, and may not yield their time to
- Citizens may comment on any topic of their choice; however, please indicate if the comment is in response to a Public Hearing topic on the agenda.
Other Meeting Information:
- The City reserves the right to remove any person from the meeting that is a distraction, anyone utilizing profanity, or anyone disrupting the meeting in any way.
- The City reserves the right to make additional changes to improve this meeting in any way to make
The Board is continuously monitoring this situation and will issue further information and guidance as necessary. For questions, please contact Hydeia Hayes, City Clerk, at (704) 629-5542 or Additional notifications and alerts will be listed on the website, the electronic sign, by Nixle alerts, and on Facebook.