The mission of Keep Bessemer City Beautiful is to engage and educate individuals in Bessemer City to take greater responsibility for improving their community’s environment. We strive through education to change and establish habits to last a lifetime and to promote our core focus areas of litter reduction, recycling, and beautification.
Board Members
Administrative Structure of Board: The KBCB Board is organized as a committee of volunteers and paid municipal staff operating with an executive committee serving as the Board of Directors, made up of a Chairperson/Executive Director, Vice Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer and six (6) sub-committee members. Sub-committee members will serve as co-chairs of divisions as follows: Beautification, Ordinance, Enforcement, Education, Technology and Communication.
- JoD Franklin, Executive Director – City of Bessemer City
- Adora Alford, Secretary/Treasurer – City of Bessemer City
- Mary Lou Mauney, Chairperson – FMC/Lithium Division
- Carol Clemmer, Vice Chairperson – Bessemer City Resident
- Todd Landers – Advance Drainage Systems (ADS)
- Jennifer Herring – Waste Pro
- Paula Hughes – Waste Pro
- Josh Ross – City of Bessemer City
- Jeffrey Kirchner – City of Bessemer City
Executive Director Responsibilties
Job Description
Performs a variety of administrative, public relations and volunteer managerial tasks to accomplish the mission of Keep Bessemer City Beautiful, assuring a better quality of life and environment in Bessemer City.
Public Relations Responsibilities
• Serves as primary contact person and liaison of information for Keep Bessemer City Beautiful activities, including attending meetings as spokesperson, etc.
• Prepares reports, summaries, facts sheets and other data required for program planning and implementation; conducts meetings and workshops.
• Coordinates with media on press releases and maintains up-to-date media contact information.
Administrative Responsibilities
• Manage operation of Keep Bessemer City Beautiful
• Assure that all reporting requirements are completed on schedule.
• Work with Secretary/Treasurer to prepare and maintain budget, prepare minutes and reports.
• Responsible for submitting semi-annual report, annual report, annual Cost/Benefit Analysis, annual KBCB Litter Index and payment of fees/dues to Keep America Beautiful, Inc. in a timely manner.
• Acts as liaison between KBCB Board of Directors and local governing board and management.
Volunteer Management Responsibilities
• Arranges for orientation and training for all volunteers on KAB projects.
• Keeps a list of resource materials and volunteers to assist with project and program planning.
• Works with Board to plan annual and long-range projects.
• Coordinates with Chairman and/or Vice Chairman in preparing agenda for meetings.
• Assists subcommittees in developing programs, evaluating programs and makes recommendations on programs to Board.