Become Involved!
Volunteers are the heart of a community. Our volunteers are a valuable resource for Bessemer City’s success!
Click on the link below and explore how you can become involved on City board and commissions and other community groups!
BC Parks and Recreation is currently hiring for seasonal lifeguards. Interested applicants should apply at Please call (704) 629-5111 for more information.
The March, 2024 Bessemer City, NC City Newsletter is now available. You can view and/or download/print it below. Included this month we mark the 131st birthday of Bessemer City on March 6th! There’s also updates on the Osage Mill Redevelopment project. There are plenty of exciting events in March including Senior Bingo and an Easter Egg Hunt coming up at Stinger Park on the 28th. Much more information in the newsletter below and view more recent editions from our Newsletters archives page.
Did you know that the Gaston County Access will be providing transportation to and from Bessemer City? The program will begin January 2, 2024! Service begins at 5:30 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. daily at the Gastonia Transit Bradley Bus Station (121 N. Oakland St. Gastonia, NC) Trips to stops within 3/4 mile of the route may be arranged in advance by calling 704.866.3206 Stop Location Departure Gastonia Transit Bradley Bus Station 121 N. Oakland St., Gastonia 30 minutes after the hour Nature’s Own Bakery Outlet 2602 Bessemer City Rd., Bessemer City 41 minutes after the hour Ingles …
Bessemer City is committed to providing quality public safety services to residents, businesses, and visitors.
A lot is happening in BC! Historic Mill renovations, large Industrial Projects, Residential Developments, and Downtown Development. We are just getting started!
Trinity Capital Advisors, Clarion Partners, LLC, Gaston County EDC, and the City of Bessemer City are excited to announce Bessemer City’s newest business campus park, Edgewood85 Commerce Park. This 120 …
Explore how Bessemer City is well positioned for growth and success.
Learn more about Parks & Recreation programs, events, facilities, and sports!
Nixle Communication System
Stay informed with up-to-date information in Bessemer City by signing up with our new Nixle Communication System. This system allows us to notify you via phone, text, and email for things like: events, downtown news, crime, utility emergencies, severe weather, news from City Council, and much more!
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January 31, 2025| Announcements, City News, Press Releases, Public Notices
January 24, 2025| Announcements, City News, Press Releases, Public Notices
There are no upcoming events at this time.
Volunteers are the heart of a community. Our volunteers are a valuable resource for Bessemer City’s success!
Click on the link below and explore how you can become involved on City board and commissions and other community groups!
City Hall: 132 W. Virginia Ave.
City Hall Annex: 125 E. Virginia Ave.
Bessemer City, NC 28016