Public Safety in Bessemer City
Bessemer City is committed to providing quality public safety services to residents, businesses, and visitors. The Bessemer City Police and Fire Departments provide exceptional services.
Bessemer City is currently in the process of investing more in public safety as the community continues to grow.

Future Plans for Public Safety
Bessemer City has been granted $2,150,000 from the State of North Carolina, as part of the 2023-2025 State Budget, for public safety improvements. The City is currently conducting a feasibility study that will identity current and future public safety needs in the community, i.e. fire, police, etc. This study is focused on facility needs as the City continues to invest in a full-service fire department and as the police department grows.
In October 2023, Mayor Smith, City Council, City Manager, Josh Ross, Public Safety Director/Police Chief, Tom Ellis, and Fire Chief, Brent Gordon thanked local legislatures for their advocacy and effort to include funding for Bessemer City in the State Budget. State Senator Brad Overcash and State Representative Kelly Hastings continue to advocate for Bessemer City’s interests and needs. We are also thankful for House Speaker Tim Moore’s support for Bessemer City!
Bessemer City’s is committed to providing quality public safety services to citizens and businesses. The City is also committed to providing this service as the community grows.

Bessemer City has been committed to continuing investments in police and fire services. In 2023, Bessemer City will continue the process of planning for existing and future police and fire infrastructure needs as we grow.
In January 2023, the City began advocating to local legislators the need for capital improvement to public safety infrastructure in Bessemer City. This advocacy included a financial request to:
- Study the type of public safety infrastructure the community needs (Strategic Public Safety Plan) and
- Providing funding for the construction, renovation, etc. of public safety infrastructure for current and future needs.
Per the 2023-2024 City budget, Mayor and Council invested in planning services to indicate public safety infrastructure needs and added additional capital for part-time firefighter pay.
In September-October 2023, Bessemer City received official notice that $2,150,000 was included in the North Carolina State budget for public safety capital needs for police and fire. This capital will build a financial foundation to assist the City in funding future investments for police and fire as the community grows and public safety service delivery changes.
The City appreciates the support and advocacy provided by Senator Brad Overcash and Representative Kelly Hastings to encourage this funding to be included in the State Budget.
Once the Strategic Public Safety Plan is complete, the City will review and consider various implementation options addressing the community’s public safety needs.
The City of Bessemer City is committed to providing safety to property, residents, businesses, and visitors. Bessemer City is excited about this continued investment in public safety and providing a safe environment for all!
More information about this funding can be found here.