Press Releases|

BESSEMER CITY, NC – General Statute 143.215.1C(b)(1) requires the owner or operator of any wastewater collection treatment system to issue a press release when an untreated wastewater discharge of 1,000 gallons or more reaches surface waters. Per that regulation, the following press release has been prepared and issued to media in the affected County.


The City of Bessemer City was notified of a sewer overflow on Thursday, August 8, 2024 around 10:00am at 405 North 9th Street. This overflow stopped around 2:00pm. The City estimates that 4,800 gallons of untreated sewer and stormwater discharged into Gibson’s Branch, which flows into Long Creek and the Catawba River Basin. The City has determined that the overflow occurred due to excessive stormwater entering the sewer system because of Thursday’s weather.

The City of Bessemer City was notified of a sewer overflow Thursday, August 8, 2024 around 11:00am at 1208 Capps Road.  This overflow stopped around 3:00pm. The City estimates that 9,600 gallons of untreated sewer and stormwater discharged into Abernathy Creek, which flows into Crowders Creek and the Catawba River Basin. The City has determined that the overflow occurred due to excessive stormwater entering the sewer system because of Thursday’s weather.

As of 4:30pm on Thursday, August 8, 2024, Bessemer City has received over four inches of rain which continues to cause localize flooding throughout the region. Bessemer City is exploring methods to prevent these overflows from occurring again during high rainfall. The City plans to explore options to raise manhole covers as soon as possible and implement additional smoke testing to identify inflow and infiltration (I&I).

The Division of Water Resources was notified of the event on Thursday, August 8, 2024 and is reviewing the matter.

Click here to view additional overflow reports from across the State of North Carolina.


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